Cusco Travel Tips: The Way to Machu Picchu

Cusco Travel Tips

Unveiling Cusco’s Magic: The Essential Travel Tips

Nestled amidst the majestic peaks of the Peruvian Andes, Cusco beckons with its rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking scenery. Plan your unforgettable adventure with this comprehensive Cusco travel tips:


  • Best Time to Visit:
    • Warm weather & clear skies (peak season): May-September (expect larger crowds and potentially higher prices).
    • Fewer crowds & pleasant weather (shoulder seasons): April & October.
    • Most affordable prices: November-March (wet season, be prepared for frequent rain showers). Consider festivals like Inti Raymi (Sun Festival) in June or Fiestas del Cusco in April.
  • Visas: Check visa requirements for your nationality well in advance. Most countries require a valid passport and a tourist visa obtained from a Peruvian embassy or consulate.
  • Currency Exchange: The Peruvian Sol (PEN) is the official currency. Exchange some cash for smaller bills before arrival and consider using a debit card with international transaction fees waived.
  • Travel Insurance: Invest in travel insurance to protect yourself against unexpected events.

Getting Around in Cusco:

  • Combis & Colectivos: Affordable shared vans for travel within Cusco and nearby towns. Haggling is expected, negotiate fares beforehand. Be prepared for tight spaces and potential delays.
  • Taxis: Readily available, agree on the fare beforehand to avoid inflated prices. Consider ride-hailing apps like Uber or Beat for potentially more transparent pricing.
  • Cusco Tourist Bus: Hop-on, hop-off system for exploring main attractions with audio commentary. Purchase a day pass for unlimited rides.
  • Trains: For longer journeys, particularly to Machu Picchu, explore train options (Peru Rail & Inca Rail) offering scenic routes. Book tickets in advance, especially during peak season.
  • Walking: The historic city center is best explored on foot.

Must-Sees Attractions in Cusco:

  • Plaza de Armas: Bustling heart of Cusco, framed by Spanish colonial buildings and the majestic Cusco Cathedral.
  • Sacsayhuaman: Imposing Inca fortress showcasing incredible stonework, perched on a hill overlooking Cusco.
  • Qorikancha (Temple of the Sun): Explore the fascinating blend of Inca architecture and colonial elements within the Santo Domingo Convent.
  • San Pedro Market: Immerse yourself in a riot of colors and aromas, browsing fresh produce, textiles, and local delicacies.
  • Pisac Market & Archaeological Site: Explore the charming town of Pisac, with its vibrant market and impressive Inca agricultural terraces.
  • Ollantaytambo: Uncover the mysteries of this Inca archaeological site, featuring a massive temple complex.
  • Salineras de Maras: Witness a unique landscape of thousands of salt evaporation ponds sparkling under the sun.
  • Moray (Agricultural Terraces): Explore the fascinating concentric circular depressions used for Inca agricultural experimentation.
  • Machu Picchu (The Lost City of the Incas): The crown jewel — a breathtaking archaeological marvel perched high in the Andes. Hike the Inca Trail or marvel at the city from below. Here is how to travel from Cusco to Machu Picchu. Note: Permits are required and must be purchased well in advance.
Activities, Tours and Tickets in Cusco:

Additional Cusco Travel Tips:

  • Altitude Sickness: Cusco sits at high altitude (over 11,000 feet). Allow time for acclimatization upon arrival. Drink plenty of fluids, avoid strenuous activity initially, and consider consulting your doctor about altitude medication.
  • Bargaining: Haggling is expected at markets and with some street vendors. Do so politely and with respect.
  • Dress Code: Pack comfortable clothing for warm weather, with light, breathable fabrics. Cover your shoulders when visiting churches. For nightlife, opt for stylish casual attire.
  • Learn Basic Spanish: While English is spoken in tourist areas, basic Spanish phrases will enhance your experience.

Useful Websites you can read before visiting Cusco::

Additional Resources:

  • Ministerio de Cultura del Perú (Ministry of Culture of Peru): (Spanish only) — Provides information on archaeological sites and museums in Peru.
  • Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil (National Institute of Civil Defense): (Spanish only) — Offers updates on weather conditions and potential hazards in Peru.

Remember: This list is just a starting point. Delve deeper into these resources and discover the hidden gems Cusco holds for you!

By planning ahead using these Cusco travel tips, familiarizing yourself with the essentials, and embracing the local culture, you’re sure to have an unforgettable adventure in the captivating city of Cusco!

Unveiling Cusco’s Magic: The Essential Travel Tips Nestled amidst the majestic peaks of the Peruvian Andes, Cusco beckons with its rich history, vibrant culture, and…